


11 March - Meeting 7-30pm - Methodist Church Hall, Bader Street, Melville - Bring your Print Entries for the Landscape Competition

25 March - Annual General Meeting - 7-30pm - Methodist Church Hall, Bader street, Melville, followed by a Workshop on Combining Images

12-13 April - Judy Stokes Creative Photography Workshop - refer March Aperture for details.

26 April - Workshop and field trip on photographing Autumn Colour. This will be held

at Waitakaruru sculpture park 26 April. From 2.30pm we will go over some tips on photographing the autumn colour including using ICM, and other creative techniques. To enter the park you must pay online beforehand

at https://www.sculpturepark.co.nz/visit.

29 April - Coffee and Talk at Coffee Culture, 5 Crossroads - Bring along 5 photos on a flash drive which we will view on a laptop and everyone shall have an opportunity to

give some feedback on each others work.

Pencils Symmetry - Val Fabling LPSNZ