Committee 2024 /25
President: Hans Hockey
Past President: Kay Goosen-Cooper Hon PSNZ FPSNZ
Secretary: Jacqui Stokes LPSNZ
Treasurer: Andre Mutavdzic
Competition Secretary: Val Fabling LPSNZ & Nicola Guy LPSNZ
‘Aperture’ Newsletter: Jacqui Stokes LPSNZ
Facebook: Jacqui Stokes LPSNZ, Hans Hockey
Membership: Jacqui Stokes LPSNZ
Field Trips: Hans Hockey
Website: Bruce Hancock
Committee: Lorne Guilding, Margaret Lidelll

Reeds - Tim Stewart
Club Nights
We meet at the Methodist Church Hall, 6 Bader Street, Melville, Hamilton (opposite the Bader Street shops) every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Tuesday night of the month at 7.30pm.
The location is shown on the map on this page.
Every second Tuesday is a regular CompetitionNight based on a set theme and an open category where guest judges are invited to provide critique.
Every fourth Tuesday is typically an Educational Workshop or a presentation by an invited guest speaker.
Upcoming meetings and workshops can be found in our Aperture Newsletter.
Remember to email your completed subscription form to our treasurer: (copy and paste the address), he/she will record your payment and update your details.