
Print and Projected Images Competitions

The committee will establish the competition timetable and indicate which competitions qualify towards the annual aggregate points awards. The competitions shall consist of ten monthly rounds held from February to November each year.

New Members, Grades and Promotions

Normally new members start as a Novice, however if you have had previous photographic experience and wish to be considered for a higher grade, there is an opportunity to have a portfolio of 6-12 of your images assessed.

Please talk to the Competitions Secretary or Secretary when you join.

Waterfall Steps - Pamela Stephenson

There are three grades

A Grade Experienced Photographers

Intermediate Grade Some Experience but not at A Grade level

Novice Grade Inexperienced Photographers

Entry into Novice Grade competition will be accepted from competitors who:

  • have been approved by the committee to compete in the Novice Grade, or
  • have not previously competed in Intermediate or A Grade competition, or
  • have received less than six Honours awards for entries submitted in Novice Grade competitions.

Mangakara Flowing - Scott Miller


From Novice to Intermediate – Six Honours awards in Novice Grade.

From Intermediate to A Grade – Six Honours awards in Intermediate Grade.

There is no time limit for gaining these Honours.

Promotions between grades will be made at the end of the competition year and will be announced annually at the Annual Awards event in December.

Jester Queen - Hans Hockey

Photography Competition Entry Instructions

You can either:

Email your digital images to before midnight on the 2nd Tuesday of each month using the entry form emailed to you OR hand in prior to 7.30 pm on club night.

If you are entering printed images on the Tuesday club night, they must be handed in prior to 7.30 pm. Prints will need a slip attached to the back as usual.

If you received a new grading at the December 2018 prize giving please enter it on your entry form.

Only entries accompanied by an entry form will be accepted.

Remember it is now a maximum of two digital and two print entries per month.

Media rules

  • The Media shall be Prints and Projected Images
  • There shall be Open and Set Subject
  • The committee will determine the set subject topics
  • The judge/s will decide if an entry falls within the set subject
  • Entries must be accompanied by a completed entry form and shall be restricted to a maximum of FOUR (4) images per round which can consist of:
  • A maximum of TWO (2) prints, and
  • A maximum of TWO (2) projected images
  • multiple images on one mount or projected file shall count as one image
  • All competition entries must comply with the following conditions:
  • All images must have been taken by the competitor, but may be processed professionally
  • There is no size limit on prints, but for mounts that exceed 40cm x 50cm the competitor will be responsible for the delivery of the print to and from the judge/s
  • Prints shall not be framed
  • Projected images shall be jpeg, a maximum of 3840 pixels on the horizontal and a maximum of 2160 pixels on the vertical
  • Although titles are optional, each entry must be clearly identified
  • Multiple ‘No Titles’ require clarification
  • For prints the title may be written on the front or back of the print
  • For projected images, the title shall be included in the file name
  • This form of labelling will then comply with competition entry form
  • The entrant’s name must not appear anywhere on a print or projected image where it may be seen by the judge
  • Images exposed at a club demonstration may not be used for club competitions. For the purpose of this rule a demonstration is a situation in which the subject and lighting, etc., are arranged and preferred camera position and/or exposures are indicated by the speaker with little or no skill being required by the photographer in these respects. This condition does not apply to other outings or meetings where the individual photographer has full choice of subject, lighting, exposure, etc.
  • No image may be entered twice in club competition except:
  • The re-submission of an image that was not accepted in a competition
  • An image that is entered into a Society annual award
  • An image that the committee has agreed can be re-submitted
  • In submitting a previously “not accepted” image for a second time, the entrant may take advantage of the judge’s suggestions for improvement.
  • The entry form must show clearly the name of the worker, the grade and type of competition and category entered. Where the entry is a re-submission, the entry form shall be noted to that effect.
  • All entries must be received by the competition secretary prior to the closing date for the competition, which shall be announced in the club newsletter. Projected entries must be submitted online using the email and printed entries brought along to the club night or other designated drop off point as noted in the club newsletter. Submissions received after that date will not be accepted for assessment except in the absolute discretion of the competition secretary.
  • Judging of the competition shall be undertaken by a person or persons appointed by the committee. The Judge/s for each competition will be instructed by the committee as to the specific criteria for the competition. The specifications are also to be communicated to club members through the club newsletter prior to the competition.