Our membership subscription runs January to December each year
with a half yearly subscription available too.
The fees are:
- Yearly Membership: $75
- PSNZ Members: $70
- Husband and wife membership: $145
- Part Membership after June 30 (first time members only): $45
- Students 18 and under: $30
- Under 15 years: $6
Payment can be made via Internet Banking to Waikato Photographic Society
Account: 03-1555-0091334-00 (please remember to type your name in the details/reference line) or can be brought along to the first meeting in February.
Remember to email your completed subscription form to our treasurer: treasurer@waikatophotosoc.org.nz (copy and paste the address), he/she will record your payment and update your details. The Membership Form can be viewed and downloaded below.

Jasmine on the Windowsill - Judy Alley LPSNZ